Out of the Fog and Into the Light Retreat 2025
Friday 14 March (4PM) to Sunday 16 March (3PM)
Walker Creek Ranch (Marin County)
The Bay Area Retreat Committee is excited to invite you to our annual Out of the Fog retreat at Walker Creek Ranch in Marin County on the weekend of March 14-16, 2025. Enrich your recovery with meetings, workshops, meditation, and fellowship. We will also enjoy all manner of outer circle activities including drum circles, campfires, game night, talent/no talent show, and hiking among the rolling hills of West Marin.
Prices have been REDUCED from last year! We hope that those of you who are able will donate to help bridge the gap so we can offer a scholarships to every member who wants to attend the retreat.
Registration: http://bit.ly/retreat2025link
Workshop Submittal: http://bit.ly/2025workshopform
Please share the links to the online registration with your meetings/fellows. All who register will get information emails as we get closer to the retreat. If you have any questions, please email us at bayarearetreat@gmail.com.
We hope to see you at this year’s retreat!
The Retreat Committee