Intergroup Roles, Officers, and Contributors


  • Chair
    Sets agenda, runs the meeting and distributes  agenda to members
  • Treasurer
    Responsible for the bank account and budget and makes monthly report
  • Scribe
    Takes meeting minutes and distributes to the intergroup email
  • Membership Secretary
    Responsible for IG reps email contact info, collects sign in sheets
  • Chair-Elect
    Substitutes for the Chair if absent, and will become the next chair
  • Treasurer-Elect
    Helps the treasurer and will become the next the next treasurer

Committee Chairs

  • Email
    Responds to emails from the fellowship regarding meetings, zoom links, general information
  • Inreach (OOTF)
    Editor produces a quarterly digital newsletter called Out of The Fog  for the greater Bay Area fellowship
  • Outer Circle
    Coordinates and promotes any outer circle activities (intergroup or local meeting sponsored events)
  • PI-CPC
    Formerly the Outreach committee, Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community gets the SAA message out to the public and professional communities (therapists, social workers and  psychologists) about our program.
  • Telephone
    Coordinates the general information line, answering calls and texts to provide general information about SAA program to the public:
    (415) 340-1962
  • Web Team
    Responsible for the website Meet weekly to update and keep things running smoothly.

Individual Contributors

  • Announcements
    Collects info from the Intergroup meeting and emails IG reps to read at all meetings
  • COSA Liaison
    Coordinates with all local COSA meetings
  • ICC (Intergroup Communication Committee)
    Reports from the monthly Zoom meeting (of all the intergroups) to share best practices, challenges and opportunities
  • ISO Board
    Reports on any news from the ISO
  • Mailbox
    Collects IG mail from P.O. Box 14754
  • Meeting List
    Prints and distributes all the in-person meeting list generated by the Bay Area website.
  • Men’s Newcomer Line
    Manages a Google Voice number to answers questions and provide information to male newcomers about the SAA program (510) 906-1644
  • Women’s Newcomer Line
    Manages a Google Voice number to answers questions and provide information to female newcomers about the SAA program (510) 338-0996
  • Podcast
    Manages and is responsible for The Sex Addicts Recovery Podcast and